This could be the question your grand children will be asking (or even your children for that matter) in not too many years time. Think about it. How many cars are washed in your neighbourhood over a weekend? If part of that water could be saved all over the world, every weekend, it could mean that our planet (and therefore our future generations) could have an additional year or two supply of life-giving water. If you have to use a hose pipe, why not pull your vehicle onto your lawn and at least give that some water. There’s a 100% saving without even trying too hard! The next thing to do is go out and purchase a high pressure cleaner. There are many available on the market for home use and they are really not that expensive. By using a pressure cleaner you will reduce the amount of water you use by a further 60% or more. And, don’t forget you can wash your paving, clean the outside walls of your house and so many other chores that you normally do with a hose pipe. Now, if you are serious about the future of our water supply, why not
harvest rain water. This can be used in conjunction with your pressure cleaner as well as to irrigate your garden or even
replace the municipal supply to your house. “Rain water in my home?” you ask. Yes, how do you think our fore fathers did it - and they were a whole lot healthier than us!
Fact – The supply of water on our planet is diminishing at an alarming rate with some reports being that South Africa could have serious problems by as soon as 2015.
Fact – You can do something to help. Don’t be apathetic and say that it’s not your problem.
Fact – Every drop of water we waste today is a drop not available to sustain your future generations.
Do you want them to be asking the question – They washed their cars with what?
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